
School Logo

Oakbrook Elementary School 2019-20

Lisa Boyd
7802 83rd Ave SW, Lakewood WA 98498 • 253-583-5330 Fax: 253-583-5338

Vision and Mission

It is the mission of Oakbrook Elementary School, in partnership with the community, to meet the individual needs of its students, empowering them to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live productively and responsibly in a diverse and ever-changing world.

Oakbrook Collective Commitments

  • I will engage students in meaningful, rigorous, relevant experiences to equitably promote life-long learners.
  • I will identify and partner with all student stakeholders.
  • I will be a positive, contributing and collaborative member of my Professional Learning Community.
  • I will strive to know each students’ individual stories in order to build positive relationships.
  • I will use evidence of student learning to ensure ALL students success.
  • I will provide a safe, enthusiastic learning environment.

Washington Report Cards Available

Washington State report cards provide school data at the state, school district and school building level. The report cards may be downloaded from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website here or by contacting the school at the number listed above.

District Mission

The mission of Clover Park School District is to ensure each child learns what he or she needs to know to succeed and contribute to the community.

Parent and Community Involvement

Parent and community engagement is key to student success. All parents, family and community members are invited to be involved in our school. We offer a variety of ways for interested individuals to support our students. Some examples include joining our parent organization, volunteer tutoring, chaperoning field trips, serving as a site council member and helping with school special events. Please contact us at the above number to learn more about getting involved with our school.

School Improvement Plan

Our school improvement plan drives the daily work that we do at Oakbrook. After conducting a comprehensive needs assessment focused Oakbrook staff created goals and measurable strategies guide our work in the following areas:

  • Math
  • Science
  • Reading
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Family & Community Engagement

To support all of the academic goals, teachers provide a number tiered learning opportunities to support students as they successfully complete tasks that they cannot yet do independently and with a high rate of success. Teachers select powerful visual, verbal, and written supports; carefully calibrated to the students’ performance and understanding in relation to learning tasks; use them flexibly; evaluate their effectiveness; and gradually remove them once they are no longer needed. Some supports are planned prior to lessons and some are provided responsively during instruction. Teachers review evidence of student progress weekly with their teams to ensure progress and momentum. This helps to inform planning for teaching.

Our concerted efforts to support family engagement and social and emotional growth for our students becomes even more of a focus when as we move from face-to-face to virtual learning. Our staff reaches out with two-way communication to families and students on a weekly and sometimes daily basis to support efforts to successfully support learning from home. We will continue to make meaningful connectedness a top priority for the coming school year.

Facility Use and Condition

Our school is used throughout the school year during non-school hours by parents, community organizations and recreation groups. A facility use application is required for use of our facility and can be obtained by calling 253-583-7354. The general condition of our school is rated as excellent per the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction scoring guidelines.


2019-20 Clover Park School District Budget

Basic Education - $111,508,030 (50.8%)
Special Education - $33,534,087 (15.3%)
CTE - $5,594,936 (2.5%)
Other Education Programs - $25,364,650 (11.5%)
Community Services - $522,191 (0.2%)
Transportation - $7,984,583 (3.6%)
Food Services - $6,659,720 (3%)
Districtwide Support - $28,472,099 (13%)