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The Mustang Way

We believe we ALL can achieve our goals.

Mustangs have high expectations in everything we do. We work together to create a respectful, supportive and safe environment.

As Mustangs, we hold ourselves and each other accountable. We are responsible for our own behavior and learning. We encourage each other to do our best every day. Every day is a fresh start.

This is who we are. This is our Mustang Way!

Our Mission

Our mission is to prepare all students for academic and emotional high school readiness.

ESEA Report Cards Available

The 2016 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) report cards provide school data at the state, school district and school building level. ESEA report cards may be downloaded from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Web site at here or by contacting the school at the number listed above.

Please note: Due to the amount of data available on the Web page, it may take several minutes to download the information.

Community Perception Survey

A summary of the district's 2015 community perception survey can be seen here.

District Mission

The mission of Clover Park School District is to teach each child what he or she needs to know to succeed and contribute to the community.

Clover Park School District

Steve Seberson,


11509 Holden Road SW, Lakewood WA 98498 . 253-583-5440 Fax: 253-583-5448

Student, Parent and Community Involvement

We encourage parents to be actively involved in their children's education. The most obvious involvement is support that parents can give for homework and for practice time on a musical instrument. Furthermore, the presence of a parent at an exhibition of student work, a concert or a game adds meaning to student efforts and encourages them to exceed their own expectations.

Important, too, is the time that our parents volunteer to be part of our school setting. Parents can be seen at Mann every day as they tutor or assist in various classrooms. Parent volunteers also support Mann by tutoring, helping set up classroom exhibitions of student learning, assisting with our extensive musical and fine arts productions, chaperoning field trips, participating on our Site Council and joining our PTSA.

Ft. Lewis is a treasured ally and resource. The members of the 296th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) at JBLM have adopted Mann as their overwatch school. The partnership with Mann has involved providing guest speakers for various classes and our Veteran's Day assembly, helping with science board workshops, and assisting with such events as track meets.

We have recently established a community partnership with the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society, President Jose Rosado, Lodge 084. This organization is supporting Mann through providing resources such as, American Flags, patriotic handbooks, U.S. History awards for students, refreshments for events as well as services in gardening, painting and ushering at events. We look forward to an ongoing relationship with this community partner.

Our Site Council, composed of staff, parents, students and community members have worked together to make Mann a great school for learning.

Our focus includes:

  • We continue to build on the culture and climate of Mann Middle School through refinement of the Mustang Way, which supports Performance and Moral Character traits through service leadership from students, parents and staff and community members.
  • After school math and reading academics including content specific intervention and enrichment mini courses.
  • Utilizing data to inform teaching and learning.
  • Math LAP intervention.
  • Reading LAP intervention.
  • Extended Learning Day Program.
  • The use of a consultant teacher to improve instruction through working with teachers in curriculum development, learning new instructional strategies (especially math), researching best teaching practices, integrating technology into our curriculum and expanding our technology resources.

School Improvement Plan

  1. 2016 Goal for Math and Reading: All students at the end of each school year, are prepared to transition to the next grade/level and be successful.
  2. 2016 Goal for Math and Literacy: 85% of our students will meet or exceed grade level as measured.

Facility Use

Building and field facilities are used daily during the school year both during the school day and after for curricular, extra-curricular and community activities. School events include musical productions as well as athletic events sponsored through the Seamount League, which Mann belongs. Community organizations and parent groups use our building frequently. Community recreation leagues book our athletic facilities heavily throughout the year. Nearly every afternoon after school during the spring and summer months, for example, community teams use our fields for baseball and softball games.


Basic - $2,754,334
Title 1/LAP - 95,550
CTE - 96,840
Other allocations - 11,521
Total budget - 2,958,245

District average per-pupil expenditure in 14-15.................................. 11,806.10